Easy Money Challenge
Raise funds for Avondale Elementary School while you shop – And WIN!
Sign up for Kroger Community Rewards and Club Publix/Publix Partners. These programs earn funds for AES every time you shop for things you need. Show enrollment verification to win Halloween treats, plus special prizes.
1. Enroll online in Kroger Community Rewards here; select Avondale Elementary (HK449) as donation recipient. Take screen shot to save enrollment details or email enrollment confirmation.
2. Enroll online in Club Publix here; under Community tab, select Publix Partners and select Avondale Elementary as donation recipient. Take screen shot and save enrollment details or email enrollment confirmation.
3. Email Kroger and Publix program enrollment screenshots to aesptaroadrunners@gmail.com or post to your student’s Class Dojo page.
All participants will receive a Halloween Boo Bag on October 29. Select bags will hold an extra surprise. PTA members submitting verification for both Kroger and Publix will be entered into a drawing of an additional reward.