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STEM Clubs Updates

Welcome to the Spring semester where our STEM Clubs have started. Signups are currently full, but we will be accepting new students from the waitlist as openings become available. Please contact Ms. Walker to get added to the waitlist for the group of your choice.

The STEM Clubs need assistance with Snacks. This sign up covers all current STEM Clubs: Garden, Technology, Lego.

STEM Clubs Snacks Sign Up

The STEM Garden needs parents to assist with Garden chores during the club.

STEM Garden Club Helpers Sign Up

The Lego clubs both K-2 and 3-5 need help disinfecting Legos after their meetings

STEM Lego Volunteers Sign Up

The Lego Club would like to send a huge thank you to Gamal Elawad, the father of Zamil Simmons (3rd Grade), for the Legos donation.

Ms. Walker is also searching for parent volunteers with the following skills. Please email her your interest.

  • Grant Writing
  • Programming and Coding Experience
  • Documenting the Clubs activities for the STEM Dept.
  • Interest in presenting a STEM Career for Career Day and at a STEM Club Meeting
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